Apr 10, 2014


I've been itching to go back to work lately. Would be good for both of us. Had this same dilemma when i was pregnant. Work or stay at home. I know i made the right decision. Stayed home but I always know that work makes me happy. No, being a mother is not a 'job'. You don't get paid for it. *snort* it's a status. Like being a wife. 

Maybe ive always itched for work. Took in all odd freelance work (would do a separate post on it). At some point I had to put them off. Son is priority. He is dependent on me. Ive been his life support. But now.. I can see his eagerness when he sees other kids. Of course he still looks for me when faced with strangers. Was thinking of starting him on a preschool program. Then we'll go slow from there.

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